This is a journal of sorts and in journals you do not just document the good, the cheerful and the uplifting. No, the dreary, the drudgery, the despair also needs to be documented. Am fed up of posting to Flickr at the moment. I cannot find inspiration to choose two photographs to write about and post.
In the last blog entry, I spoke about how this image and the others that could go into a series are frustrating me, but maybe it is more than that. At times, it all seems so pointless and ridiculous: Photography. I spend so much time looking at images and reading about photography. I get caught up in it; swept along in an adherence to a style or a belief that things need to be done in a certain way. I get so critical of my own photography that the enjoyment is dragged out of it. And photography is only a hobby. I do it for fun. Fuck the rest of it!
But it is not fun at the moment. This may quickly pass or it may linger .
Anyway, rant suspended.
Here is another of those photographs that I have struggled with. Today’s post has little processing; done so in an effort to reduce choices. These photographs were taken with intentional camera movement; a little swift jerk up of the camera.
Update: I posted this to Flickr – did not like it – deleted it and re-processed it in black and white, which seems to match my mood today 🙂

Stepping into frames in Heuston Station, Dublin – an iPhone image. Timing is so important when taking images. A split second more and this could have more depth. I do like the tasty part of it, however.