I had thought I was not going to post another from this series of blur photographs from Copenhagen, but they keep drawing me back in. I cannot seem to settle on a uniform style, but perhaps they don’t need it. Some look good in colour and others need to be reduced and constrained and only black and white can do that.
In saying that, despite the way I work through images, I am coming close to producing a coherent series. One of the challenges that I encounter is that I present images consecutively from locations, but very often later I find that an image from one place can easily complement one taken in a very distinct location. All of this is the process. I may write about the frustrations I encounter with this process, but it is how I work.
Mark T. Simmons, a friend whose work I really admire, posts sporadically on Flickr, preferring to work on a series of images before posting them. When the series is complete and you spend time looking through them you realise the craft that has gone into the creation and curation of the series. His series of images from Istanbul is coherent and there is a cohesion in style and you move from one image to the next carrying with you the emotion and impact of the previous image. I envy his patience and attention to detail. I look back at my images and my series are short – usually between 3 – 5 images and then I get restless and take things in a different direction. Recently, Mark gave me some good advice about working on and presenting a series of images and I have begun to learn from that. If you have not already seen Mark’s work, his series on Istanbul is a good place to start.
So here is today’s image. Would love to hear your reaction to it. Leave a comment below, or on Flickr.

Writing this blog entry is a discipline I set myself. I try to do it every day, but life gets in the way. I am trying to document my photographic journey and trying to learn about myself and how and why I photograph. Very often, I write about the DSLR shot first and by the time I arrive at choosing (I rarely know what I am going to choose) an iPhone photograph I am too restless to continue writing. This is where I am today. I need to go now and choose a photo, post it to Flickr, download a lower resolution size for the blog and then write a little about the image.
Which image?
This one: