As I am writing, I discover that there are now exactly 7,500 images in the group pool of Blur will save the world. 7,500! That means I have either invited these images or added them to the group in the pending images queue. I have seen them all.
Seven thousand five hundred blur images. Yoo hoo!
Of the three groups I have on Flickr, this one is, without doubt, my favourite. I police submissions with vigour, selecting only images that are fully blurred, discarding accidental blur and selective focus (there are occasional exceptions to this). Blur for me is a decision that a photographer makes to distort the main focus of the image. A decision which later gives the viewer all rights to recreate, even correct, this distortion. It also leads to a high quality of accepted images.
Anyway, enough of my guff. Here are my favourites from this week. Follow the links below to see more from these photographers. Thanks to all for sharing and supporting.

Thanks to all. To see more from these photographers, click through. From left to right –
– Punkrocker* – *katz – Ade Santora – RiaPereira – here and there – Shiingo – Marianne Ellis – mutablend (mostly off) – Christopher A. Dominic – michael.veltman
And it would not be Sunday without some Sunday music. Hit play and get yourself over to Blur will save the world and enjoy the blur. You know you want to!