March was a good month. I had a day in London and met Mark T. Simmons and had a wonderful conversation about photography, football and life. Also, got the chance to get some photography in and managed to get some shots I liked. Choosing a favourite from March is not an easy thing. I could easily choose this addition to the bokeh heads – or this one. Then there is this nice little image taken in the underground in London, where it appears that people obliged to line up for me. Another I really like is the image of the daffodil against the sun – a photograph I took for my mother as daffodils are her favourite flower. But the one I am going with is this one taken early on a Sunday morning in Cork.
My maxim about photography is: Trying to see what can be seen and how to see it. And reflections are one way to achieve this. Distortions fascinate me. Very often a mundane scene can transform into something unusual when the focus is on its reflection. This image below was like that. The city centre was quiet, as Sunday mornings tend to be. Few cars and few people. I saw this guy approaching the bridge and instinctively I knew a photograph with him passing would be pretty bland. Giving up on the shot, I caught a glance of him reflected in a dirty window and was thrilled to see this shot appear before me. The dirt and grit on the window add to the scene, as do the horizontal lines of the blinds. The spiral of the Holy Trinity church can be seen in the background and the passerby strides past.

I put together a series of images I got on the iPhone from London. You can check them out here. March was a good month for the iPhone too. I was very surprised when an RTE (Irish national broadcaster) journalist – Glen Mulcahy – contacted me wanting to do a short film on my iPhone work. I was delighted with the excellent short film he made. You can check it out here and read about my reaction to it here.
Choosing an image for the iPhone is not easy either. There are so many to choose from, but the one I have to choose is that of my little girl, Sumi-Anna. Another image taken as she walks away from me. This one has a dreamy feel to it.