2013: My favourite photographs

I accept the futuredrudgeryA long-legged blonde with a large handbag walking into the frameRebel PedestriansIt can all end in an instant and all that will remain is youYou don't need eyes in the back of your head to face the future
Forever has no pauseirresistible urges to danceThis nagging knowingnessAll the world's a stage, but you are not my audienceGermanswallflower

2013: My favourite photographs, a set on Flickr.

Happy New Year to all. I hope 2014 brings you all closer to your dreams.
A full year has passed since I first posted on this blog. A big thanks to all who come and look at the photos I post and read what I write. It means a lot to me.
Here’s to kissing the future….
My resolution for this year – learn!