Shibuya, Shibuya
I read once, that those you see in your dreams are those you have seen in real life. Those passersby whose faces may never have registered with you, but somehow
iPhone Photographer of the Year 2017
I read once, that those you see in your dreams are those you have seen in real life. Those passersby whose faces may never have registered with you, but somehow
A quick post today. Need to find time to document all that has happened in the past week. Am truly honoured to have won the Mira Mobile Photography prize. Click
Things on my mind today: 1. Fuzziness – after a marathon journey 26-hour home from Tokyo, I am super jet-lagged. 2. I am behind in the work I need to do.
Blank pages, blank screens. Fingers perched on keyboard, ready to go, like a child waiting to jump over a skipping rope. But nothing comes. Take the easy way out and bullet point
Why take photographs? I read a great quote yesterday – a quote I did not save and now regret as I cannot recall with exactitude its content or author. Shame
Arrows! I am always drawn to them when I see them. Always looking for direction and what is better than a big arrow painted on the ground or wall giving
Bringing to a close this little colourful series of images taken in Shibuya Station underground as commuters were leaving the station. I have tried here to keep the images with
When you find a location with an interesting background you just have to stay there and work it. In the underground of Shibuya Station in Tokyo, I found this stretch
Bringing this series to a close with a departing shot of a passerby on a bicycle. Taking photographs is more than a hobby; it documents my life. This series is
When I got back from Japan and uploaded the images I was kicking myself that I did not stay out longer to get more shots, kicking myself that I did