This week had a lot of blur on my own streams. Nothing new in that I guess, but I am working towards building up a body of blur with a similar theme. The theme is apparent to anyone viewing these images. They are not the most difficult images to compose. All you need is a wall for people to pass by. Click, click then and drag it all into Lightroom and slide. Talking of Lightroom; this week I was screaming at it. For some strange reason on Wednesday night, it decided to delete an image I had posted on Wednesday morning. An image that had gathered many faves and comments. So, Lightroom and I are parting ways on uploading to Flickr. In future, I will do it independently. But Flickr has a messed up uploader which can try your patience. Oh, the world of technology does not make things easier all the time you know.
OK, here are some of my favourite images of the week:

Another image taken in the corridor where I work. This one was of a student waiting to enter class. I saw him from far off and knew that if I framed it right I could line up a good shot. The trick is to point the iPhone down and then pop it back up quickly, shocking the lens with the sudden rush of light and resulting in a blurred up image. Tall people make the best blur figures too; tall skinny people. Oh and have the iPhone on silent – that camera clicking sound….

Lines! I love lines. I love shadows. I love the sun. The sun treats Ireland with scorn. Abandons it. Hides behind clouds. But when it does come out, it lights up my world. Simple photograph this. Waiting to cross the road. Yes, look right, look left, but if you are a photographer you are looking up, looking down too. And looking down I saw this. How could I not take a photo of it?

A spoon. A spoon I found in my bedroom. Having two little kids you can find the strangest things in the strangest of places, and if, if you find them, you are lucky. Things disappear a lot with kids. I love reflections and spoons distort and reflect so well. You can see my hand and iPhone in the reflection.
And on to the DSLR. Shots taken last Saturday (Feb 23). Some of these are visible to the right. Here are others.
This is the wall of a sports clothing store in Cork city centre. There is a windowless red facade. I sat on concrete bench opposite and s discreetly as possible clicked as passersby passed by. These are of a mother and daughter.

Here’s to a great week. Thanks to all for coming to this blog and to my Flickr streams. I appreciate it a lot.