Sometimes shots resonate with you. The photograph I like most that I shot with my iPhone in October of last year was on my phone for over a day before I posted it. I knew it was there. I felt it with me. As soon as I saw the guy approach me on the street, I knew it was going to be an image I would like, an image I would post to Flickr. I let it sit on my phone overnight, sneaking a look at it every now and then. The guy’s solemn gaze unchanged. The sky still gloomy over him.
The following day, I allowed myself the pleasure of processing it with Snapseed on the phone before I posted it to Instagram and then I cropped it on iPhoto before posting it to Flickr. I have to say I enjoyed everything about the process of this photo and was very pleased when it chosen on the we are juxt website. You can read more about the photo on there.
So that is October. Only two more months to go.