When I came across this scene, I stayed for approximately 15 minutes taking photographs. I got about 12 shots from there. It is a little ironic that opposite this location was possibly the most-photographed location in Copenhagen: The wonderful and charming Nyhavn. Feeling a little photographically guilty, I did head back there to get some tourist shots.
Location [3]Carlsberg does do buildings and this is probably the best building in the world. I am not a Carlsberg drinker, never have been, but I do love their ads. I had seen the big elephants in their ads and I really wanted to see the iconic building. I was not disappointed. It is a wonderful building. When there I thought of that Carlsberg ad of the phone ringing and ringing in the dust-covered unmanned complaints department. When eventually the call is answered we discover that the caller had the wrong number. Carlsberg is so good, nobody complains. Clever advertising. I did have a Carlsberg in Copenhagen. It was much nicer than in Ireland.