Back to daily posts. Have been compiling my favourite images of 2014 over the past two weeks or so and arrived at the end of it yesterday. I have to say I am very pleased by the feedback friends and contacts have provided. But time to look forward now and begin to post new images. But there’s the thing. It is not as simple as that. Over Christmas I was looking back at the photographs I go through 2014 and I realised there is still a lot of work there for me. I posted this image to Flickr back in September.

And I knew I had found something new to develop. This resulted in this post on Monday.

And leads on to this post today.

Photography is a great hobby and a hobby must be fun.
And talking of phun! What is more phun than the iPhone? Nothing, I tell you! And to prove it, here is a shot of me having phun with my iPhone.