I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas. We had a great, family day yesterday, full of fun and happiness.
After the little break, it is time to get back to my end-of-year-review and arrive at August, which was a very good month. There is a number of shots that I really love, which makes it hard to pick a single favourite. I love “The Unbeckoned” a shot I took in Luxembourg in April, but processed in August. This shot was shortlisted in The Irish Times Amateur Photographer of the Year competition. It is an image that has been very popular with my Flickr contacts and one of the best in the series of bokeh heads. Then there is the shot of Mayne’s bar in Cork that I took on a night out taking photos in Cork city centre. This was taken on the first of many trips out around Cork shooting. I like the movement of the girl in the frame and the tone of the image. Another I really like is the first in a short series of blurred out buildings facing on to the River Lee. But the shot which is the one I am choosing for August is the one I printed large and have hanging in my hall – “Irresistible Urges to Dance“. I like its melancholy and the possibility of breaking free from it.
Thanks again to all for the kind comments and feedback. Hope you are having a great Christmas.