– Coincidence is a dance that needs music.
– Huh? What is that supposed to mean? I don’t get it.
– Look at this way, right. This world is chaotic, there’s no order to things. There’s no plan, there’s no preordained destiny. There is just constant chaotic disorder.
– And?
– Well, if we take it like that, we might as well give up, no?
– Take it like what?
– That it is chaos, uncontrolled and that we have no force over this, that even the dreams we have, that they’re pointless because in the end it all comes down to luck.
– Luck? Not sure if I get what you are saying; or even if I do, not sure I even agree.
– You don’t have to.
– Don’t have to what?
– Agree!
– Get back to what you were saying. Coincidence being a dance.
– That coincidence is a dance that needs music.
– Ok. That. That coincidence needs music. I still don’t get it.
– It’s simple. Give you an example. Our conversation here, our little exchange.
– Ya.
– Well, it can go in a million directions. You can ignore me, leave me ramble on and eventually I will run dry and the conversation will have ended. Or you could jump in with a new topic and I’d never get to explain.
– Ok. And?
– It’s that. There are endless possibilities, but ultimately we can, if we wish, direct them, steer things in the direction we want. You asking and is an example of you steering things.
– Right? But music? Coincidence? Dance? What about that?
– If more than one thing happens at the same time, then that is a coincidence. Coincidences are constantly happening, it’s a dance, but for us to take these and make things ours, to steer them in the direction we want, we need music. We need to act. Look at her?
– Who?
– This girl approaching. Here is a coincidence. All the possibilities that ever existed have brought us and her to this moment to pass each other in a few seconds. That is the coincidence. The dance. But we play the music, we…
– She’s passed. She’s gone.

And some fun with the iPhone. A happy commuter on a full train.