2014: My favourite images – August
Writing about August on January 1st, 2015. Happy New Year! It is going to be a great year. Believe and achieve. That is my maxim for 2015. Everything will happen.
iPhone Photographer of the Year 2017
Writing about August on January 1st, 2015. Happy New Year! It is going to be a great year. Believe and achieve. That is my maxim for 2015. Everything will happen.
July was all Japan. I posted 56 photos to Flickr in 28 days. Choosing a favourite from the DSLR images is easy for a change. I’ll never forget the excitement
In June, I posted a total of 56 photos to Flickr; perfectly divided into 28 DSLR and 28 iPhone images. So many to choose from. Beginning with the iPhone, I
At the end of March we headed to Korea via Hong Kong. While in Asia I also got to visit Taiwan and Japan. Taiwan was a holiday, Japan was work,
Each year, I like to take some time and look back at the photographs I posted to Flickr. (Here are links to previous years – DSLR & iPhone) Being a nostalgic sort,
Here’s wishing you all a very Happy Christmas. Thanks for all the visits and support.
I was really delighted with the reaction to the short feature on mobiography yesterday and the accompanying blog post I did on mobile photography. Thanks to all for the visits,
Two posts in one day! What am I doing? Yesterday, I posted this image to Flickr and got a great response. Thanks to all. But the image was one I
This year in Taipei I did a little experimenting with panning. A photographic technique I had not tried before. Taipei with its thousands of mopeds and motorbikes was a perfect
Sometimes you see an image and it triggers something; a feeling that you cannot put your finger on. This image I took in the subway in Berlin of a man