Sometimes to go forward we have to step backwards first. And that is where I am at the moment. Taking stock. Looking back to see where I have come from on this photographic journey, hoping I will discover (or rediscover) something that will propel me into a new photographic phase.
I have been photographing seriously since I got into Flickr. July 2007, I posted my first photograph to Flickr (Amsterdam Rain – you can see it below). For the first couple of years I was a lurker, a looker, a hesitant poster. Here now in 2013, it is a strange sensation to go back to the start and see the images I was posting in 2007. A little embarrassing even. Who is to say that in 2019 I will look back at my posts from now and cringe.
Anyway, I am going to go back through the images and see if I can find inspiration; see if I can find a thread, even a needle to prick me into action. Stay tuned!