Another of my personal favourites. Again an old one from years back taken with an old point and shoot. If you come to Cork, you have to visit the English Market. It is one of Europe’s best food markets, full of colour and life. In 2006, with friends from Korea we went on a walking tour of Cork, taking in the sights of the city centre. We finished up in the English Market. I was a happy snapper in those, click-clicking as I went. One of the snaps I took was of this woman lost in thought in fruit and veg stall. The reason I like it is the melancholic mood and her pensive state. I imagine she is always there, every day, but in the moment of the photograph she is far away; dreaming. The mundane surroundings seem at odds with her flight of thought. She has a grace and elegance and arouses curiosity as to what she is dreaming of.