And now for the camera that never leaves me. Here are a selection of my own recent favourites taken with my iPhone. More of these can be seen on my iPhone Flickr account.

I took this on Saint Patrick’s weekend in Dublin. While waiting outside a shop for my wife, the flight of this flock of birds overhead drew my attention away from all the revellers in green on the street.

This was taken from the front passenger seat of my father’s car as he drove us into the city centre to celebrate my brother’s birthday. It was an awful, wild night as you can see. Stopped at the traffic lights, the colourful reflections in the rain attracted me. However, once I ran it through Instagram, I realised it had to be in black and white. I will always remember this for my father asking me “what the hell are you doing now?” “What are you taking photographs of?” “This!” I replied!

Taken while waiting for the Luas tram to take us into the city centre of Dublin. I was excited at the photo opportunities ahead. I had the DSLR around my neck and the iPhone in my hand. Looking around, looking for reflections, I found this steel column and what you see is what I saw. There’s my wife in front, looking at me taking another photograph!

Dublin was packed on the holiday weekend. So many people, so many tourists, so many chances to snap, snap, snap. This handsome boy appeared in front of me. I snapped.

Out walking with my brother on Cork’s Lee Fields, we passed this tree, this bare tree with a path stretching off from it, like a rebellious branch. We walked around a hundred yards, climbed an old gate and crossed the road. The tree stayed there.

An escalator doing its job.
Thanks to all for following this blog, re-blogging it, commenting and visiting. I appreciate it a lot. Happy Easter.