And the year moves on. Into late summer now and memories of being in Dublin on a short little break with the family and getting an hour or so free time to go shooting in Dublin’s city centre. I stayed around the Moore Street and Ilac Centre area taking shots of people on the move, and of course, looking for unusual ways to see them, which invariably means I am looking for reflections, be they in windows, the surfaces of cars, tiled walls, or just from the shadows thrown on the street. Got quite a few. Some I posted on my DSLR Flickr account and others on the iPhone one.
Looking back now at the iPhone images posted in August there are a few which I really like. This one of a man on the move, blurred up, appeals to me. I like the way the blur gives him a uniformity and anonymity we all need when out and about. Another which I can connect with is this photograph of an elderly lady walking in Cork city centre. I spotted her approaching and her dignity and grace struck me. She appears to be lost in her own thoughts; weighed heavily by them, yet she has a strength. Of course, I have to love this shot of my little girl on her birthday, full of excitement cycling on her new bicycle and her younger brother trying to keep up with her. 😉
But the one I like most today is this one below of a street busker giving it all he has on the streets of Dublin. He was belting it out in a super-animated fashion. I gave the photograph the title “Photography for the Deaf” because, while it captures the moment, it cannot capture the sound of this energetic, young guy’s music.
So, that is August. Thanks for all the visits and kind comments.