I was in Dublin on Saturday at the Gallery of Photography for another Mobile Photography Workshop. Saturday was a beautiful sunny spring day in Dublin. The workshop was slightly delayed at the start due to the technical difficulties of having to go through three iMacs before one worked properly with the data projector and the truly bizarre situation of the iPhone 6s not working with the lightning to VGA cable and the iPhone 6 working. Then to compound things, I was not able to AirDrop photos between the two phones, meaning the images I had put together to demonstrate Snapseed were unusable. Thankfully, having a back up phone with me allowed me to use other images for this purpose. But I was looking forward to showing new images from recent trips. Got to say thanks to Darragh in the gallery for his patience and help.

Being a beautifully sunny day, the photo walk around Dublin city centre was great. Some of the participants chose to head off on their own to get images and the others and I stayed together. Photowalks are always such fun and they always amaze me in that we can be walking down the same side of the street, apparently seeing the same things, but in reality we observe things differently.

One of the guys on the course, James, showed me a new part of Dublin that is really cool to shoot in and we got some good shots there. I have one more workshop before summer in the Gallery of Photography in June. It is sold out, but I am planning some exciting things for autumn. Stay tuned.